Rich Happy & Enough

Today I tested out a revolutionary idea…the idea that I am enough.

It all started with my desire to win a ticket to attend Marie Forleo’s Rich Happy & Hot LIVE. It’s a business and lifestyle event for women entrepreneurs being held at Donna Karan’s Urban Zen Center in New York City November 12 – 14th, 2010.

I checked out the information a couple weeks ago and thought, Uhh, heck yeah this is where I need to be! So I clicked for more details on registration and cost and was stopped in my tracks when I saw that it costs $1497 to attend! (my wallet’s hearing alarm sirens go off) It didn’t take me long to click out of that box…sadly!

I’d be willing to charge it to my credit card, but I’ve been a good girl lately by not spending frivolously, and this certainly wouldn’t be careless to spend on, because the way I see this is like education. I mean, how much did I spend in college on freaking calculus and I don’t use a damn thing of anything that I learned there. But I just can’t do it right now.

THEN, Marie sends me an email inviting me to come to New York for the weekend and she’ll give me a free ticket, a hotel stay and a limo ride if I consider putting myself on camera to let her know why I should be the one to win.

So where’s the revolutionary idea come into play? Well, I thought, Oh gosh, I gotta do something really creative, I need to dance, strip, do something out there! But then life and kids and holding down the fort got in the way. I almost didn’t even get to make the video! A full-time convivial mama endures constant interruption, but I didn’t lose faith. I knew I had to do it. It’s a lottery in the end no matter what you do.

So I decided not to stress about a theme or showing Marie how well I can do the running man or the cabbage patch dance, and instead I decided to just focus on showcasing ME…just ME, because in the end, I AM ENOUGH.

For the record, I have never video recorded myself, so this was my first challenge. I’ve never really been comfortable on camera, but I did it. I wanted to be real, I wanted to see and hear ME, how I know ME to be. After taping, I felt deeply happy with a feeling of accomplishment, because I stepped outside of my comfort zone and got something I really wanted to do DONE.

So here I am in the flesh…my video that is! Wish me luck and let me know of a challenge you tackled today!


One Response so far. Add Your Own.

CHERYL! great job- i am so excited for you. is there a place where we vote or something like that? xxoxx


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