My Weekend Getaway to Portland for Chris Guillbeau’s World Domination Summit

I’ve made it back to home sweet Austin after a convivial weekend in Portland for Chris Guillebeau’s World Domination Summit (WDS 2013).

It was my first time attending and I’m thankful to have shared the experience with my friend and fellow Austinite, Monica Crowe. On our flight home, we sported our new WDS 2013 shirts…

Once you get familiar with going to conferences (or any social event), you begin to understand that it’s not about impressing, it’s about connecting.

There’s no need to be anxious or too eager about meeting as many people as possible, to try hard or force a lasting impression of yourself on someone- it can backfire. There’s no urgency to take copious notes because you’re afraid you’re going to miss something, or to resist your shy nature in a crowd of strangers.

Being yourself is enough.

You learn to let the connections happen naturally. When you have the opportunity to meet someone, focus your eyes on them, be present and listen, really listen to them. Some folks you connect with, others you can wish well on their way. It’s all good whatever way it turns out.

As I spend the rest of the week finalizing details for my debut Austin event for The Convivial Supper Club, I’ll be blogging about some of the standout moments from my weekend in Portland that made the trip memorable.

Today, I want to share with you the central question of the World Domination Summit, with my spin on it:

How can you lead a remarkable life in a conventional world?

Is there something you’ve been putting off that could make a difference in how you share your convivial nature, talents, and personal vision with the world?

Many of the speakers and attendees from this weekend’s conference would agree that its time to…

Make the call.
Take the step.
Ask for help.
Have the conversation.
Plan it.
Free fall into your convivial life.

Don’t stop, keep it moving, put your dreams up!


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