The Cutest Cafe In Portland, Possibly The World

On my second day in the City of Roses, my travel companion, Monica and I were strolling downtown, looking for the meeting point for our next group activity, a photo walking tour of Portland.

Upon turning a corner, I noticed a black sign in the distance for what appeared to be a restaurant. I made out the name on the sign and nearly fell over, saying “Monica…LOOK AT THAT SIGN OVER THERE.” I became enraptured.

A cafe with my name on it, spelled the way I spell it! I’d just discovered Cheryl’s on 12th.

This was the moment when I stood in place and waved Miss America style as if I’d arrived…at least in my imagination.

Now I understood why I’d been trained in business to say a customer’s name when serving them. I recalled why Dale Carnegie wrote about the importance of using a person’s name with them.

Humans love the sound of their name, and the sight of it.  

Seeing my name up high, in huge signage, on a street corner of a downtown city, made me feel like I was seeing my name in lights on broadway for the first time.

I was ecstatic, elated, happy, the whole shebang. Monica probably thought I was delirious…oh wait, I was that too. I’m surprised I didn’t yank her by the arm and drag her inside the cafe with me. Or did I?

Stepping inside Cheryl’s on 12th was like walking into a museum exhibiting remnants of my own life. My name was everywhere.

I felt like a superstar eating at my cafe.

I’ve been to New Orleans before, but can you believe this was my first time eating a beignet? In Portland, GASP.

Shameful, I know, but Emeril’s Delmonico sounded more enticing when I visited Nola. For the record, beignets remind me of Mexican sopapillas and Cheryl’s were delicious.

Guess who I got to meet? Cheryl the owner. She was so sweet to go searching around her restaurant to find merchandise with my name on it to give as gifts.

After chatting away about how beautiful her place was, I took my chance to ask if I could become part-owner of her fine establishment. Not. Don’t you know I’ve got my own convivial plans for world domination?

For someone who is fond of feasting, drinking, and good company…how better to depict what I’m all about and put my name on it?

Cheryl’s on 12th…the highlight of my trip to Portland.
Have you ever discovered a business with your name on it? How did it make you feel?


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