On Being Completely Transparent

While online this morning, I went to click out of a window my hubby had open and saw he’d been listening to yet another TED Talk. I didn’t catch the speaker’s name, but in that brief moment, I heard him say, “Be completely transparent…” I turned off the laptop and walked away hearing that line echo in my ear. I’ve since been contemplating it and what has come to mind is what Dr. Wayne Dyer once said, “We’re spiritual beings having a human experience.” I hear various truths floating around in my head that tell me I am already transparent, but have simply lost my way. I’ve followed one too many humans, have learned and lived their worldly ways, acquired their carnal thinking and eating patterns, and have taken a detour from my original, light-weight, naturally, transparent self. I’ve allowed negative thought patterns and experiences to weigh my spirit down, causing me to have a heavy heart and act out of nature. I am only reminded of my transparent self when I have practiced pure love and forgiveness. It is then that I feel light again, as if able to fly…then that I feel anything is possible, that nothing can stop me…penetrate me…a sense of invincibility…transparency. Sounds superhuman. Yes, that is my true nature. In one dimension or another, perhaps it is a form of flight, of floating, that much talked about, yet misunderstood “out of body” experience. What does that really mean, out of body? It’s the flight of spirit and witnessing it. Could it be like seeing God? What a feat! The spirit is formless, therefore non-conforming; it’s capable of going anywhere. Like vapor, like God. Our goal is to be like God, no? Uh oh, the conservative voices in my head are warning me about that sort of phrasing. Sounds blasphemous. Well, somewhere tucked away in this brain gem of mine, certain messages I heard growing up are starting to creep to the surface and make sense. Like the scripture I once heard that said God made man in his own image. What does that mean? It’s not for me to say, but I have faith in knowing that it’s a matter of linguistics and everything is open to one’s own interpretation. Back to being transparent- its original Latin translation keeps things simple- to show oneself. I see this word in a whole new light today. It’s about spirit…mine and yours. It’s about freedom, courage, liberty, to simply be as we were meant to be, how we were all born to be- vulnerable…open…unknowing…flexible…superfluous…enthusiastic…in spirit…completely transparent.


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