3 Tips To Fight The Funk

I had plans to visit a friend today, but she was sweet enough to let me know that she was not in the best of moods and wouldn’t be the best of company. How considerate. Really. It is.

I was going to respond via text to lift her spirits with some convivial tips, but instead, decided to dedicate this blog post to her bad mood and give my recommendations here.

Tip 1: Understand and accept that it’s okay to want to be left alone and to express it if you need to.

If the other person on the other side doesn’t understand, well then, I guess they’ve never been in a bad mood before. Do your best not to take it personally and make the situation about your own feelings and emotions. You’ll spare yourself a lot of heartache and misunderstandings.

Tip 2: Go Erin Brokovich on their asses- if you need to.

Or you could just practice going off in the privacy of your own home or in your journal. Expressing yourself by way of cursing can lift your spirits. So long as you’re not the one getting cursed at! Don’t believe me? Read on…

Cursing is a proven way to relieve pain

Yes, proven! Read this TIME Magazine article and be convinced.

I found myself letting some f-bombs explode this morning while talking with two of my dearest friends. I was feeling frustrated and didn’t hesitate to sprinkle in a good helping of the f-word and the mother of all f-words. When my friends validated my feelings by listening, the mood had passed. NOTE: Choose your audience wisely…save this type of free speech for folks who won’t be easily offended or judge your language.

I used to feel guilty that I might sound un-lady-like or that I was giving into a negative energy, but fuck that. I drop ’em like it’s hot now, because it makes me feel tingly where I’m feeling fiery. I’m well aware that these tips may not be for everyone, so if you’re too (fill in the blank) for all this freedom of speech, well, then you can just go and…

Tip 3: Occupy your mind by doing something that you enjoy or you know you’re really good at.

You’ll distract your mind for a good while and even boost your confidence back up, which thus results in a better sense of self and – et voila!- good mood. You’ll be back to good ole you in no time!

That’s all folks! Feel better and be good to yourself!


4 Responses so far. Add Your Own.

Love these tips 🙂


Ha! I love this post! I absolutely agree with numbers one and three in particular!


Akilah so great to see that you stopped by and that you appreciated my message! I hope all is great your way!


And I love you and the things you do!


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